Swamp Hag Lair

Swamp Hag Lair


This map is great for simple swamp encounters. My party used this in as a final showdown where the attempted to save a young Grung from the ritual sacrifice of a Hag as part of her wedding ceremony to a troll!

This map was fun because the central hag lair is a large tree stump. I flavored it as being covered with thatch and thorny swamp bushes for a roof, there was only one entrance to the lair. The members of the party had to stealthy wade through waist-deep water channels. I had the more noticeably shallower channels set as difficult terrain as the mud there was thick and sucked their boots in!

The tactic I played here was to separate the party members all around the lair so the troll could attack them individually while using the large central tree stump as cover from the other party members.